2013 SHOT Show 1911 Pictures
2013 SHOT Show 1911s
There were lots of new 1911s on display for testing at this years 2013 SHOT Show. Below are a few shots of the facilities and firearms.
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2013 SHOT Show Rifles
2013 SHOT Show Rifles
There were lots of new firearms on display for testing at this years 2013 SHOT Show. Below are a few shots of the facilities and firearms.
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2013 Shot Show Handguns
2013 SHOT Show Handgun Pictures
There were lots of new firearms on display for testing at this years Shot Show. Below are a few shots of the facilities and firearms.
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2019 Shot Show Live Event Coverage!
This coming year for the 2019 Shot Show we are bringing a larger staff to help provide faster, and higher quality coverage of all the latest firearms releases. With the show constantly expanding and becoming overwhelmed with attendees and media, we always strive to stay ahead of the pack with both our speed of posting and quality of our photos. We look forward to bringing the event to all of the gun enthusiasts that couldn’t make the trip to Las Vegas this year.
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Special Operations Training Summit
Just announced is the Special Operations Training Summit held in Las Vegas. Firearms Industry News will be in attendance and covering the summit for our readers. Please see the full press release below posted on ammoland.com:
“Train with some of the best tactical instructors in the business.
This great event will be Nov 10,11 on veterans day weekend.
At this event there will be live fire training, Counterterrorism courses, QCB , sniper, close protection taught by former seal team, special forces and swat team members. There will also be vendors sell the next best thing when it comes to tactical equipment.
It will be held at Pro Gun Club in Boulder City . Go to the website at http://lasvegasspecialoperationstrainingsummit.com there you will see all the instructors and how to sign up for this great event.
If you have any questions about this event or want to become a sponsor or Vendor contact me at 702-460-4302 or accountmgr@pro-tectsecurity.com.”
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2012 SHOT Show New Rifle Release Pictures
2012 SHOT Shot New Rifle Release Pictures
With so many rifles on display at the 2012 SHOT Show, its near impossible to catch a picture of each, so below are just a glimpse of what was on display this year at the Sands Convention Center.
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Handgun Pictures At 2012 SHOT Show
Photos Of Various Handguns At SHOT
This year saw a huge increase in compact and mouse gun releases. Below are a few of the handguns on display this year at the show.
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New 2012 Kimber 1911’s At SHOT Show
Photos of the 2012 Kimber Sapphire Ultra II, Micro CDP, and more!
Kimber had 4 new pistols on display at SHOT, including what may be the most stunning production pistol at the show. This gun is the Sapphire Ultra II. This is a 3″ Ultra with nitre blue colored slide and small parts. The polishing and bluing is by Turnbull. The slide is stainless steel and the color is applied by PVD. The slide is engraved tastefully and the gun has the rounded butt of the Super Carry Ultra and wedge sights.
The other new gun with finish by Turnbull is the Classic Carry Pro. This is essentially a Pro size version of the new Royal with charcoal blue finish by Turnbull and bone grips. It has a serrated “bobtail like” mainspring housing,checkered frontstrap, serrated top on the slide, and a flush slide stop.
The two other new offerings are the Micro CDP, a mousegun sized .380 version of Kimber’s CDP pistol line. Kimber has also produced a new model of their popular 9mm SOLO pistol with CDP styling.
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Miscellaneous 2012 SHOT Show Pictures
Random Pictures From 2012 Shot Show
Miscellaneous photos taken throughout the show. Will keep adding to this photo gallery as the show progresses.
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Targets and Targeting Systems At 2012 SHOT Show
View Photos Of The New Targets & Targeting Systems
Lots of interesting targets and targeting systems were on display at the 2012 SHOT Show. Below are a few of the highlights.
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